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Hey there!

Welcome to my little corner of the web.

I'm so glad you dropped by. Feel free to kick back, explore, and enjoy what I've got to offer. If you ever have questions or just want to chat, don't hesitate to reach out


Hi! I'm Fia


A Data Analyst based in Indonesia with a background in business and management, and I have found a unique synergy between analytical skills and an unwavering passion for the creative industry and art. With expertise in both fields, I embarked on a journey that bridges data analysis and artistic creativity, creating a distinctive and impactful approach to my work.

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Look at my Data Portfolio here!

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James Sommerville,

the founder of Knownunknown

Fia provided us with exceptional data and insights for our community. Not only she did assess competitive organizations and platforms, but she also added real value by recommending areas where we could create leverage.


Rasita Elisabet,
Owner/Designer Sneakbag Clean

Testimonials are still being generated and will be coming soon.

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